Sunday, January 23, 2011

Secondary Storage

File Compression
File compression is a technique used in decreasing the size of a single or a bunch of files. File compression is useful because it helps reduce the consumption of space and thus easier storage or transfer of files. It also saves users from using too much bandwidth or expensive storage space to store big files.
An example of file compressor.

Head Crash
A head crash is a hard-disk failure that occurs when the head of a hard-disk drive touches its rotating platter, resulting in permanent and usually fatal damage to the hard-disk. This usually happens when the hard-disk receives a very huge impact causing the head to shake and touch the platter.
A damaged Hard-disk

Internet Hard Drive
Like a hard-disk, a Internet hard drive helps you store your computer files on the Internet and access them from any location as long as you have Internet connection. They are very low-cost and some of the storage sites even offers free storage. The downside is that information stored on the net are exposed to low-privacy and can be easily hacked, uploading also takes a lot of time too if the connection is slow.

Optical Disc Drive (ODD)
An ODD is a disc drive that uses laser light or electromagnetic waves to receive and store data on an optical disc. There drives are both readers and recorders so it can read retrieve and store data to or from Compact discs, DVDs and Blue-ray discs.

Solid-state Storage
Solid-state storage (Or Solid-state drive, SSD) is a data storage device that stores data using solid state memory. SSDs use microchips which retain data in non volatile memory chips. SDDs are usually less prone to physical shock, quieter and have lower access time and latency. They use the same interface as hard disc drives.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Input and Output

Ergonomic Keyboard
A keyboard that has it keys seperated into an obvious two halves shaped like a "V." There are keyboards with fixed or movable layouts. Ergonomic keyboards put less stress on the hands and the wrist. It is comfortable for most users.
Ergonomic Keyboard.

Ink-jet Printer
An inkjet printer is a type of computer printer that creates an image on paper by placing small droplets of ink on it. Inkjet printers are commonly used for it is quiet and relatively inexpensive.
Inkjet printer.

Laser Printer
Laser printer uses laser to imprint images on papers. It is known for printing/producing high quality text and graphics. But it is not commonly used because of it's expensive cost.
Laser Printer

Magnetic-ink Character Reader (MICR)
Magnetic-ink Character Reader is a technology mainly used by the banking industry to process cheques. Computer can read informations such as account numbers off printed documents using MICR. MICR can be easily read by and translated by humans unlike characters like Barcodes.

Optical-character Recognition (OCR)
OCR is a mechanical translation of scanned images of handwritten, typed or printed text into an encoded text. It is used to convert physical books into electronical files so on. It also has many other functions like editing text or words search.

Optical-mark Recognition (OMR)
OMR is a process in which includes the capturing of human-marked datas from certain document forms such as surveys or answer sheets from tests.

The System Unit

Flash Memory
Flash memory is a chip that can be used to store informations even without a power source. Using units of memories which are called blocks, informations on a flash memory can be erased or reprogrammed easily. It can be commonly found in USB pendrives, memory cards or MP3 players. With flash memory it is much easier to carry computer data around.
A USB pendrive.

Graphic Card
A graphic card is a hardware that is essential to be installed into a computer in order for the computer to produce images. It is a hardware that manages and manipulates information and sends information for the computer screen to project it. A high end graphic card is necessary to support programs like games or graphical applications.
Graphic Card

Sound Card
Much similar to a graphic card. Except that sound card is used for producing sound data instead. Sound cards are usually used to support a sound system such as a surround sound system or a woofer.
Sound card.

Network Interface Card
A network interface card (NIC) is a hardware that connects the computer into a local area network (LAN). Using nodes, Networked computers connect with each other using a protocol or language that transmits data. The network interface card functions as a medium for the connected computers to send data among each other on the LAN.
NIC Card.

Plug and Play
Plug and Play (PnP) is a system Microsoft developed that gives users the ability to plug a device into a computer and use it instantly. Before PnP was developed users have to specifically tell the computer system about the device connected before being able to use it.
Plug and Play.

Bus Line
The bus line enables different parts of the CPU to communicate with each other using an electronic line. The data that flows through the bus lines are called bits. A system that has more bus lines means a faster and stronger working system that is able to transfer data faster than CPU with lesser bus lines.
Bus lines on a motherboard.

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a digital solution for audio and video to be played on a home theater from an electronic equipment. A HDMI cable can replace up to eleven normal cables when connecting devices such as TVs or DVD players.
HDMI Cables.
Cache Memory
A memory cache, also known as RAM cache, is memory made up of high speed dynamic Ram (DRAM) used for main memory. Memory caching is effective because most programs access the same data or instructions over and over.

Specialized Application Software

Audio Editing Software
Widely used by record companies, DJs or studios, this program provides a number of advanced functions that allows users to cut, edit, mix, refine and also do many other stuffs to an audio file. It is also possible to add effects such as fade, distortion and many more to an audio file using the software.
Adobe Audition in Action.

Bitmap Image
A bitmap image is a computer's composition of individual dots, or more widely called "pixels" where each dot or pixels has its own colour, hue or value. Bitmap files (.BMP) are used to store digital images. However, it's limitation is that if it is enlarged or stretched, the quality of the image will be affected and decreases and the image will be blur or pixelated.
A pixelated bitmap image.

Hypertext Markup Language Editor (HTML editor)
A HTML editor is a software application used to create and edit webpages. Webpages are formed by multiple codes of HTML and in order to access them and edit them with freewill, a HTML editor is needed. HTML editors not only work specifically on HTML codes, it is also applicable on CSS, XML or Javascript.

Multimedia adds together text, audio and visuals to compile into a composition on the computer screen. Multimedia normal consists of still images animations or videos. A very good example of the use of multimedia is websites that uses Flash.

Vector Image
Vector images are pictures that are formed using geometrical elements like lines and circles. Vector images are more flexible compared to bitmap images and can easily be enlarged without getting its image blurred or pixelated.
A vector image.

Web Authoring
Web Authoring softwares are used to create and design a webpage. It enables users to develop a websites using a desktop publishing format. With the aid of the software, generated Hyper Text Markup Language can be used for encoding the layout of web pages based on the user's design plan.

Basic Application Software

Graphical User Interface
Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a program interface that uses a computer's graphic to make the computer programs much easier to use. It frees the users from having to learn complex command languages in order to use the computer adequately. Even for people who already knows command languages, they find it much easier to command with the GUI. Basic GUIs includes the mouse pointer, icons, desktops, windows and menus.

A futuristic GUI.
Word Processor
A program that allow users to compose, edit and format print materials and create a written document on the computer. With word processors, the usage of special fonts, colour editting, and graphics can be used. Examples of word processors are Microsoft Word and Notepad.
Microsoft Word.

Spreadsheet is a computer application that allows users to create a worksheet that displays multiple cells that forms a grid of rows and columns, each cell containing data of formulas, numbers or alphabets. Spreadsheet is widely used for accounting or data compiling purposes because of it's simply usage and easy-to-use calculating system. Microsoft Excel is a widely used program for spreadsheet.
Microsoft Excel

Datasbase Management System (DBMS)
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that are used to edit and control the use of the database. With it, corporate organizations can control the database development. A DBMS is a software package that intergrates collections of related data records and files known as databases. Different application programs can access to the same database with the help of DBMS.

Utility Suites
A collection of utility programs that share a common use. An example of utility suite is the Security suite, it contains multiple programs that functions the same; To protect the computer from harmful data or hackers. Other than that, file utility suites contains programs that helps user the manage the files in their computer better.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Internet and the Web.

File Transfer Protocol

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is mainly known as the network protocol, it is used to exchange data between computer in the internet through a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)-based network. It is a very fundamental way to transfer files between a FTP server. A very good example is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which functions in transfering displayable web pages and related files. Other than that, Simple Mail Protocol is also one of the FTP, which helps to transfer email from one to another.

File Transfers

Plug-ins are programs that can easily be installed and used on your Web browser. One very good example of plug-ins that are very commonly used is Adobe Flash Player. It is a plug-in that allows us to access to most of the animations or videos in the internet. Most of them are not neccesary and used more as a bonus feature for the browsers. But for certain browsers, to access applications like Flash Player you might need to download certain plug-ins for the browser.

Firefox is an example for browsers that offers multiple plug-ins.
Internet filters are software tools used to monitor web contents viewed on a computer or network. In family computers, Internet filters can help parents manage and control the freedom that their kids can access on the computers. It is also used by education organisation or schools to protect kids from viewing inappropriate material or access unproductive websites. This is also applied by corporate organisations to control their workers' access to the Internet. Internet filters like "phishing filters" can warn you about and block you from suspicious websites that might be fraudulent. Moreover, internet filters like "spam filters" can keep spam out of your inbox.

Interface of a internet filter program.

Internet Security Suite
Internet Security Suite is a set of programs use to defend your computer from being affected by harmful data like viruses, spyware and hackers. A way the program work is it scans datas or files downloaded from the Internet to make sure it is safe and if it is not, the program will notify the users about it so that harmful data can be prevented from the computer. Internet security is very important especially for big corporate organisations where storage of information are very important.

An Internet Security Suite.

Wiki is a website that is used to create and edit a number of interlinked web pages through a web browser. Wiki is basically powered by wiki software, it normally creates collaborative wiki websites. For example, Wikipedia. A widely popular online encyclopedia.

Javascript is typically used to enable programmatic access to computational objects within a host environment. Through this programmatic access it enables users to make a certain web page interactive. It functions well in your visitor's computer, leading them not to download constantly from your web site. An applet is a program written in the Java programming language that can be included in an HTML page. When a Java-enabled program is used to view pages on web browsers containing applet, the applet's code is translated by the browser's Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Javascript editor.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the essence of a webpage. A primary programming language used to write and create web pages. HTML is written in forms of elements consisting of tags surrounded by symbols like angle bracket, for example a bolded line of text is accompanied by a <b> followed by the text body and then closed with a </b>.

Url stands for Uniform Resources Locator. It is the address of documents and everything else on the Internet. The first part of the address is a protocol identifier which indicates which protocol will be used, and the second part of the address is is called the resource name and is used to specify the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Careers in IT

A Webmaster is also known as a Web Developer. A webmaster is usually someone who expertise in HTML. A webmaster's job involves creating, developing and maintaining a website. Which is basically the reason why they are called the "Webmaster". A master to the web, constantly surveying and maintaining it.

One of the webmaster's job is maintenance. They have to ensure the web servers, hardware and software are operating accurately. If something goes wrong with the site, the webmaster has to swiftly reach to the root of the problem and solve it. So when you visit a site and a maintenance notice pops up, it usually means the webmaster is doing his job.

Another task of the webmaster is programming. To create and maintain. Using their knowledge of HTML webmasters can swiftly create and put up a website with ease. And they are also able to design a website's layout or features using HTML.

Because of the current technology era, webmasters are also required to be involved in developments. To keep up with the fast pace of technology websites have to constantly upgrade their page and applications. They develop these from scratch of from works people have done. It is not simply coming up with an idea and putting it up, but also making sure it fits in the scheme of the whole site and doesn't contradict other information up there.

How a webmaster will probably look like.

Computer Support Specialist
A computer support specialist's job is very much similiar to customer support. They basically help people in using the computer.When something goes wrong and computer issues needed to be fixed, they figured out what it is and fix it.

Many support specialists answer questions over the phone or by e-mail. Others also help people face-to-face. To answer a problem over the phone, the specialist takes the person through the necessary steps to fix the problem using their own computer.

Computer support specialists also install printers, software, and other computer tools. Then, they teach people how to use them. Sometimes, they write instruction books.

A Computer Support Specialist's day at work.

Technical Writer
technical writer prepares clear, concise written documentation which communicates technical information to a target audience. Some common examples of technical writing include user manuals for software, documentation guides for industrial machinery, and design or engineering specifications for construction projects.

A technical writer's field in application of skills is fairly wide. They are not restricted to write in a subject matter that they expertise in as long as they possess and applies expertise to interview experts in certain subject matters and conduct research necessary to produce accurate, comprehensive documents.

The technical writer's probably not doing a good job.
Software Engineer
Software engineers are people who designs software, implement it and modifying a software so that it is of better standard, easier accessibility and more affordable. They also do quality assurance. A software engineer analyzes the criteria for the software from their clients, design and then program the software. Finally they test the software to see if it works. This job involves a lot of code writings.

Network Administrator
network administrator is a person responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software that comprises a computer network. This normally includes deploying, configuring, maintaining and monitoring active network equipment. Network administrators rarely get involved in direct user support. Often working in the background and focus on the integrity of the network and also ensuring that the network connectivity throughout a company's LAN/WAN infrastructure is working on par and adequately. 

They are also in charge of the network's security by assigning different IP addresses to devices connecting to the network. Doing so allows the administrator to have control over the devices connected.

A network administrator working on a server hardware.
System Analyst
They research on problems, plans solution, coordinate development to meet some certain requirement to make things easier and many more. They also recommend on what kind of software to purchase. As they are the one who research on problems, they are responsible to improve the computer. Therefore, they have left no option but to analyst on both hardware and software.

In this case, they are customizing on computers configuration like the processor speed, amount of Random Access Memory (RAM), hard drive space, video card, and monitor size, while the software side includes the operating system and application.

Computer Programmer
Computer programmer specialize in writing software programs. They get ideas from the software engineer or system analyst, then computer programmer will be in charge in converting the information into computer language in order the computer to work well. They also work with existing software to update or modify them to a better system.